The Red Roses Bouquet in Red Wrapper exudes elegance and passion. This bouquet showcases a dozen vibrant red roses, each meticulously chosen for its beauty and deep red petals that symbolize profound love, making it perfect for expressing heartfelt emotions.
We carefully arrange and wrap the roses in a matching red wrapper to enhance their natural beauty and create a striking presentation even before unwrapping them. Whether you’re celebrating anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, birthdays, or any special occasion, this bouquet is designed to leave a lasting impression. Our florists hand-tie each rose with care to ensure they remain fresh and fragrant upon delivery in perfect condition.
Every bloom embodies the timeless elegance of red roses, capturing the essence of passionate love and affection. Whether you’re marking a milestone or simply brightening someone’s day, this bouquet is a thoughtful gift that speaks volumes.
Make any moment memorable with this exquisite arrangement. The Red Roses Bouquet in Red Wrapper beautifully showcases the timeless beauty of red roses, ensuring your loved one cherishes this meaningful gift.
Same day delivery in Coimbatore.
Product Information:
- Red Roses – 20
- Red Paper
- Red Ribbon
- Fillers
Care Instruction:
- Once you or your loved ones receive the flowers, make sure to trim the stems and place them in water.
- No leaves should remain below the water and be replenished daily.
- Do not place it under direct sunlight.
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