Pink roses in a pink paper-wrapped bouquet are a pleasant gift for any special occasion. Send this romantic bouquet of 20 blooming fresh pink roses to them to express your love. The delicate petals of each rose are poetic; their graceful colour brings a rich and aesthetic vibe for a perfect date night.
Your love and happiness need more than expressive words; these pink roses in a pink paper-wrapped bouquet do the job perfectly. Our expert florist hand-picked 20 pink roses and arranged them to perfection to make your loved one’s heart flutter.
Whether it’s for a birthday, anniversary, date night, or just because, let the beauty of 20 Blooming Pink Roses Bouquet brighten your occasion. Get same- day delivery of these aesthetic flowers from Coimbatore Gifts Flowers Online. Place your order now!
Product Information:
- 20 Pink Rose Bouquet
Care Instruction:
- Once you or your loved ones receive the flowers, make sure to trim the stems and place them in water.
- No leaves should remain below the water and replenish daily.
- Do not place under direct sunlight.
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