- This Yellow Carnation Posy features 25 yellow carnations and red roses, creating a beautiful mix of cheerful and romantic blooms.
- Tied with an elegant red-yellow ribbon, the bouquet is perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, or any occasion that calls for joy.
- Yellow carnations signify happiness and friendship, while red roses express deep affection, making this posy an ideal gift for loved ones.
- Arranged to bring color and warmth to any setting, this posy is designed to brighten spirits instantly.
- Suitable for both casual and formal occasions, it’s a versatile choice for showing love, gratitude, or appreciation.
- Crafted with fresh, high-quality flowers to ensure lasting beauty and fragrance.
- Lightweight, making it easy to carry and present as a gift.
- Adds a pop of color and a touch of elegance to home decor when placed in a vase.
- Complements both modern and traditional decor styles with its timeless appeal.
- A memorable and thoughtful choice to celebrate life’s special moments.
Yellow Carnation Posy
15% Off
Price Summary
- ₹1,000.00
- ₹850.00
- 15%
- ₹850.00
- Overall you save ₹150.00 (15%) on this product
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